
Saturday, November 19, 2005


A bonus picture of my kid, just for kicks:

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Okay, wait, I forgot the cutest pictures of all from when Jenn dropped Katy off for a few hours. I can't wait to give her the doubles from this set.

I put Katy on a blanket on the floor and she started to cry because she was hungry. While I was warming up her bottle, Michael decided to entertain her by sharing a bunch of photographs I had cut out of magazines for him. He showed her each one and tried to put it in her hand.

Eek, gah. How cute is this kid? Seriously? My ovaries are singing and doing the cha cha!

I call this one "Caught in the Act".

Then Michael offered her some of the toys she had in her diaper bag.

Michael feeding the baby. So sweet, he didn't want me to take her when she was finished.

Feeding a baby is serious business. It takes concentration to really jam that bottle into her mouth, poor kid.

Why is this shot so cute? Because he's feeding baby Katy and he's holding her hand!

This incident convinced me that Michael will make a wonderful older sibling.

Pics, lots of em. Grab a beer.

New kidlet pictures!

I really liked this tableau from kidlet's birthday party in August. Here you can see daddy Michael, kidlet Michael, me, Sharon, and her daughter with her back to the camera. Between Michael deadpanning for the camera, Michael exclaiming about something, and Sharon blowing up a beach ball, I thought it was an interesting composition.

This is Michael and his bestest buddy/partner in crime, Thomi (short for Thomasina). Here they are on the porch of Heide's house (which I covet...I adore farmer's porches). Don't they look like they are totally up to no good?

Heide and Thomi. Heide is one of those sickeningly tall and willowy people who always look great. Of course she calls herself "huge" and "lumbering", to name a few adjectives. She's pregnant in this picture, can you tell? Of course not. Now of course she's farther along, and has one of those completely adorable round baby bellies that makes me want to vomit from envy.

My blue-eyed boy.

Michael and Thomi sitting on the counter in Heide's kitchen. Note my kid's serious two-pack.

I just love this picture, I can't wait to give a copy to Heide. Thomi is saying "Ewwww!" It cracks me up every time I look at it.

Naked babies sitting on doggie beds reading books are cute.

Hey, get out of here! Can't you see I'm trying to read?!

Baby in a Speedo:

Jenn and Leonard's baby, Katy. Rather than assuaging the baby fever in me, spending time with her just makes it worse. I mean, come on! LOOK at those cheeks! Sigh.

Okay, so Thomi is two months younger than Michael, yet she's got about four inches and five pounds on him. No joke. Don't believe me? Take a look at this:

When we go out, people think that Thomi is the boy and Michael is the girl. Ha!

And a total blackmail photo:

Last but not least, Michael all geared up to go for a ride. Jacket, check. Books, check. Sippy cup, check. He's been obsessed with his umbrella lately, loves to open it in the car and hide under it, saying it's a tent. He put the sunglasses on himself, and as you can see he's tremendously proud.

That's enough for now. See you on the flip side!