
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Kidlet & Dad

I bought some adorable felt magnets off of Etsy and kidlet is just in love with the dang things. They're very sturdy and durable, so I have no fear of his mangling them. The moment I opened the package he ran off with them, and fifteen minutes later I entered the kitchen to see this:

Another chapter out of the book of Things My Two-Year-Old Does That Amaze Me. Not only did he line them up, but he turned them so their faces were right-side up.

Then he came in and told about them, showing me each one...

...even kissing one of them.

I love how expressive his face is.

After he was done, he carefully lined them up on the floor.

Needless to say, the magnets were a big hit.

Here's a couple of kidlet and Daddy goofing around.

Kidlet = Not Amused.



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