
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

June '05

I got two more rolls of film developed, these were taken within the last two weeks. Rollover for captions.

bathing beauty

super cheesy grin

little camping boy

man with a mission, at the park


walking with dad (yes those pants are awful, it was wet out so I put clothes on him I didn't mind him messing up)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Unapologetically photo-filled entry.

Eat this, dialup suckas!

All right! My pictures are up at Snapfish. Here's a sampling. Rollover for captions.

Random - April and May 2005

Michael with his friend Thomi

in the tub - before

in the tub - after

artsy fartsy shots of Americana

Cote's ice cream is the shit

my mother with Michael

my stepfather Dave with Michael - can you believe he turns 50 this year?  the caption should be Someone Found Grampy's Bald Spot!

Midwives of Maine event - May 14 2005

this is what his hair looks like wet, we comb it down but it will not be restrained

say cheese!  (and no we are not cutting it! :)

at the Midwives of Maine concert, it was a wee bit nippy

little boy, biiiiig cookie - he was not impressed when he realized he had to share it with mom and dad

can never start em too young - we had Japanese after it started raining at the Midwives of Maine event

likes veggie sushi, sort of

practicing his mad skillz

he gets this cute funny lip when he's concentrating

dad and kidlet

me and kidlet

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Baby asses are funny.

I just put 4 rolls of film into the mail today, should have those back within a week or so. I got two developed over the weekend so there are some new and some old pictures of kidlet. Rollover for captions.

not sure what's going on here...eating from dad's hand, I think

total cheeseball smile and a pair of vintage Healthtex overalls I scored at Goodwill

for the record, this is indeed what we call his cheesy smile

I also had one of those one-use cameras developed that had been sitting in his cubby at daycare, so there's a wide range of pictures on it.

mommy's extremely uncreative yet still cute Hallowe'en costume

november 2004

nov 04 - I can't believe how SHORT his hair is

this has to be november, or early december as there's no snow yet

dec/jan 05

oh my GOD I'm a house...well, he's cute as a button which is why I'm even posting this so just ignore me.  may 05